It is a common practice during the surgery that the drilling and the dental implant placement is done based on the patient’s CT scans. For a professional dental implant specialist such practice is usual. However, there can be cases when extra precise work is needed. We choose the most accurate solution needed in each situation.
For an extra accurate and long-lasting dental implant, it is becoming increasingly common to locate the implant using a 3D surgical planning software. The software can determine the ideal location of the implant in the jawbone under such conditions that traditional methods cannot. This significantly reduces the number of surgeries needed while providing a more durable dental implant for the patient.
At Saint Lucas SPA Dental, the dental implant placement is designed based on a 3D plan. In some cases, we also create a so-called navigation surgical template. With the help of the template, the dental implants are placed in exactly the position as designed by the 3D surgical planning software. Such precise work cannot be achieved manually. Computer-aided dental implant planning also makes it possible to insert the implant without opening up and closing the gum, as it is not necessary to make the bone visible for the surgeon.